How to use Metamask ?

Metamask is a secure crypto wallet that provides an easy gateway to all the blockchain applications. Follow the steps below to Install and Configure the Metamask wallet for using the features of the Unbound finance protocol. To create a wallet you need to first install an extension to your browser as follows:

Installation and Setup:

  1. Click on “” and click on download now.

  2. Click on the Install metamask for chrome tab.

  1. Click Add to chrome.

  1. Next, add the metamask extension to your browser using the Add extension.

Yay! You have successfully added the metamask extension to your browser.

Now that the extension has been installed, let's move ahead to create your metamask account.

Create An Account:

  1. Click on the MetaMask icon in the upper right corner to open the extension.

  2. Click Get started.

  3. Click Create a wallet.

  4. You will be asked to create a new password for your account. Create a strong password and click create.

  5. Click Reveal secret words.

  6. You will see a 12 word seed phrase. Make sure to save the seed phrase in some place safe and click Next.

  1. Verify your secret phrase by the previously generated phrase and click Confirm.

Well done! Your metamask wallet has been successfully created.

  1. To continue, click View Account.

You will see your public wallet address that can be now used and shared with other people when needed.

Configuration :

Notice that the wallet is by Default set to the Ethereum mainnet. This setting can be maintained while using the Unbound mainnet.

In order to connect your wallet to Unbound’s Zeta testnet, select Kovan Testnet from the dropdown menu on the top right corner of your metamask wallet.

Now that you have created a metamask account, you can add liquidity to the AMM pools and acquire LP tokens to be used for borrowing interest- free loans at Unbound Finance

Check this step by step tutorial on how to add liquidity to Uniswap v2.

Last updated